Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Amen, brotha!

Jeremy Irons: OK to grope bottoms

HOLLYWOOD icon Jeremy Irons has hit out at political correctness - claiming a woman should "deal with it" if a man gropes her bottom - rather than going to court.

The actor, who stars in Sky Atlantic's new historical drama The Borgias from Saturday, said: "There are too many people in power with too little to do so they churn out laws to justify their jobs.
"Most people are robust. If a man puts his hand on a woman's bottom, any woman worth her salt can deal with it.
"It's communication. Can't we be friendly?"
His outburst is sure to annoy actress wife Sinéad Cusack who wishes Jeremy would bite his tongue more often.
But he refuses to apologise for his frankness.
The Brideshead Revisited star, 62, admitted: "Sinéad criticises me for being too frank. But that's the only way I can be.
"I am what I am and I do what I do."
That's what I'm talking about, Jeremy Irons!  Can't we all just get along and alow me to grab that ass?  Also, ladies, get in the kitchen and make me a sangwich!  Quick story about an accidental groping...
I was in NY for a Sox-Yanks game and we were taking the subway to Yankee stadium.  It's obviously packed, so I am trying to squeeze on and move back from the door.  On the way in I accidentally and very lightly brush the breast of a very large and in charge woman.  At that point it was slow motion and I could either apologize and possibly make a scene or ignore it and move on.  I chose option B.  I am so thankful I did that because I then heard one of the best quotes of all time.  The woman turned to her friend and said, "Hey, he just punched me in the titty."
That was so worth the milliseconds of awkwardness.
-Big Ran

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