Have people experienced these Naked juice Smoothies? These things are f*cking amazing. The only problem is that they are like four bucks a piece. If someone offered me a unlimited lifetime supply of these things and the only catch was that I had to murder someone, I would honestly consider it. These things are that f*cking delicious. Look at this f*cking label:
That's a sh!t-ton of fruit. Plus, spirulina. SPIRULINA!!!!!! That sh!t is so hot, spell check doesn't even know what it is. I mean, I'm just being honest, if someone told me I had to suffocate a drifter or off someone that was into dog fighting for a lifetime supply of these, let's just say I would be making a pros and cons list before you could spell N-A-K-E-D. I would watch a ton of Dexter, then head off to Home Depot for tarps and duct tape.
This entire post is completely irrelevant, but Naked Fruit Smoothies are real as f*ck.
-Big Ran
KC Jones' note: Um, I went through a phrase where I was like an addict with these. I think "Sprirulina" might be a code word for cocaine, as it's the only way I can explain my addiction.
I had the misfortune of flipping by Fox last night and catching a glimpse of white trash at its finest. I just so happened to catch it at the exact moment a Mr. Jeff Gordon's car had exploded.
Honestly, am I the only person who wonders how NASCAR can even be considered a sport? And also, am I the only person who wants to say, "I told you so!" when these soup cans on wheels burst into flames or when someone ends up getting killed? Look, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but logic dictates that driving a car that flimsy at speeds that fast around an oval shaped track with 17,000 of your closest friends/competitors is a recipe for disaster.
I don't wish anything bad on anyone (well, maybe that's a lie, but....), but I have a hard time empathizing with people who are shocked and devastated when someone bites it during a racing event. They knew what they were signing up for, and while there are people dying of cancer through no fault of their own, these idiots are putting themselves in harms way.
Hey Danica, you're smoking hot, but you're proof that beauty and brains might not exist. Women are suppose to be the mentally dominate gender....you're killing me Smalls!
Rob Bradford of WEEI interviewed Josh Becket and rather than attempting to make amends for a disastorous season he just slipped further and further into becoming the real life Kenny Powers. In 2014, after his contract with the Sox is up, I can see Beckett pitching in Nicaragua complaining about people not speaking "American."
Toucher and Rich on The Sports Hub nailed it. Josh Beckett is Kenny Powers.
The full article can be found here, but here a few highlights:
"The snitching [expletive], that's [expletive]. It's not good."
"I loved Terry Francona. At the end it got difficult for me sometimes with Tito, with him as the manager. But he didn't deserve to leave like that."
"I'm not going to apologize for being distracted. It's not going to happen."
And, perhaps the most important quote to consider …
"I wouldn't trade what I have now for three World Series rings. I wouldn't do it."
"Baseball isn't my No. 1 priority anymore," he said at that time. "Everybody goes through that change. Some people might go through that change before that even happens, but I definitely find myself thinking about [Holly and the baby] whereas a lot of times I used to be thinking about how I was going to get this guy out, or what I needed to do that day. They're my central focus.
"Maybe a couple of months into the pregnancy, it started to become real," he continued. "When you first find out you're pregnant, there are a lot of different emotions, but it's not quite real yet. But then you get a couple of months in and you go to the doctor's appointment once a month, check in on the baby, do that first ultrasound, and it becomes real then. You realize that person is going to completely depend on me and it literally wouldn't live without us. It's something I'm really looking forward to. Since the time I've wanted it, I've wanted it bad."
I mean, he has a point, he is the first Major League Baseball player who's wife has had a baby during his playing career.
"[Expletive] happens," Beckett said. "Whether you controlled it, or you didn't control it, or you could have controlled it better. [Expletive] happens. We're human beings playing a human being sport.
F*ckin'-A, brother. Aren't we all just human beings playing the human being game of life? I don't come to your office and tell you you're fat from drinking beer and eating fried chicken, do I?
In the words of Kenny Powers a.k.a. Josh Becket: "Just like in life, all of my successes depend on me. I'm the man who has the ball, I'm the man who can throw it faster than f*ck."