Thursday, December 8, 2011

Not So Fast My Friends

According to Marc Stein of ESPN, the deal is off!

I hope it stays that way, but I'm not to optimistic. The Lakers can have Heidy Watney, I know KC would drop her off at the airport with a one way ticket, but I would really prefer that Chris Paul and Dwight Howard stay out of LaLa Land.

Update:  NBA Owners Veto Trade

-Big Ran

PS:  ESPN totally ripped off my post title.

Stuck In My Head - Thirsty Thursday Edition

I woke up with this one in my head.  Great jam and as you can tell, I kind of like The Black Keys.  Plus, when you have Todd Bridges in your video saying things like "I'm pretty sure God would consider it a sin not to glorify THAT ASS," you can't lose.  As a side note, the term "that ass" has to be one of the most important in hip hop/rap.  I love fitting "that ass" into as many normal conversations as possible.

This is played at the same exact time every day on my commute and there are so many NBA references, I figured KC would have to love it.

This one came up in a meeting yesterday.  I don't remember what prompted it, but three of us ended up singing it before the meeting started.

-Big Ran