I don't know about you guys, but I can't think of anything I find more disgusting than women with facial hair. Wait just a second and let me explain my position before any of you start calling me a jerk (or worse!). I know it's not my face, so some might argue that I should mind my business. However, I counter that by saying that since I have to look at it, it IS my business. And, I'm just saying this: It's 2011, not 1102, and we have plenty of ways to eradicate unwanted facial hair. And, if you're a woman, facial hair SHOULD always be unwanted. Any female who is okay with it should probably join a traveling circus.

Many times I've been out in public, or on an elevator at work and I've seen a woman with a 5 o'clock shadow that rivals what most men are sporting after a day or two of not shaving. Listen, I'm half Italian, and that could very easily be me, but fortunately I dodged that bullet. I know it's not their fault, but it IS their responsibility to clean it up! And fortunately, in this day and age, there are a plethora of wonderful hair removal products and processes in all price ranges---some are even permanent solutions!
Available at all drugstores, grocery stores, etc, under $10! |
So, if you are an "XX" chromosome and have a hairy upper lip, sideburns, a goatee, unibrow, or hair on your cheeks, either remove it or stay in the house forever. I get so sick to my stomach when I see this, especially when I know it's such a quick and easy fix. What, are these (wo)men afraid of a little pain from waxing, tweezing, laser, or electrolysis? Oh, that's right, I guess the emotional pain of being shunned by society is far easier to deal with. It's bad enough when it is a 90 year old woman looking like this, but at that point, at least you can rationalize and hope that maybe she's so demented she doesn't see it. Because, other than being legally blind, there is no other acceptable excuse for this. (Note: If my mother ever has this issue and doesn't address it, I will put her in a headlock and take care of it myself---otherwise, I would expect to be charged with elder abuse as her caretaker. What can I say, sometimes love hurts!)
Ok, ok, maybe I'm exaggerating, but you get the point! |
This issue became particularly upsetting to me one day when I was at the mall. I'm in The Gap (where white people and Kanye West shop), and I saw this middle age woman with her very awkward teenage daughter (probably around 13 or 14). Well, I don't know what kind of care she was getting because the poor girl had a dark black mustache AND a unibrow. Come on lady! The teenage years are hard enough and kids are so cruel, so why are you letting HER walk around looking like she's your son? Apparently she didn't understand this. Listen, I'm sure she loves her, regardless of appearance, as any parent would. However, most parents I know would have had that situation rectified ASAP. I'm thinking this might qualify as child abuse.
Takes 5 minutes, max and gives weeks of relief to the general public! |
We live in a world where women are suppose to be equal to men, but apparently some of them need clarification. Yes, you can be their equal, but you don't have to LOOK like one!
-KC Jones