Wow. I turned 30, now 32 and I thought I was old, but somehow, Britney Spears turning 30 makes me feel even older. With that said, you'd have to be nuts to want your kid to be a child star, right? No childhood, stunted development, craziness, jail; that seems to be the way it goes. I will say that Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were personally responsible for young women dressing like total tramps. Unfortunately, this all started just after I graduated from college. Timing is everything.
Just in case you wanted to see the crazy Brit, here you go:
If you saw her walking down the street at night, wouldn't you cross the street and run? I would. Those are batsh!t crazy eyes right there.
-Big Ran
PS: Possibly embarrassing, but I don't care: that's a jam and I definitely have several Britney Spears songs on my iPod.
Now there are several ads - the elevator plays the stupid song, the Rock Band game plays the stupid song, the music box plays the stupid song, OH HONEY, DOES THIS MEAN...GASP!!!
I agree with you. It's unbelievably insulting.
BTW I told my husband if he hears that song in an elevator or anywhere else, he's to disregard it completely, doesn't mean a damn thing, I didn't buy him a Lexus.
Bravo! Great comment. I was driving last night with my wife and there are now Lexus radio ads that tell you the stupid jingle is about to play, so make sure to hold your phone up to a speaker and record it. Are you f-ing kidding me? If I meet someone that works for Lexus, I may just haul off and punch them right in the face. They're getting punch regardless of gender or age too, because I don't discriminate when it comes to these horrifically d-bag commercials.
Anon, here's your favorite commercial. These really drive me into a blind rage to the point where I really want to hit each of these schmucks with a 2 X 4 right in the face.
One more, because, well, it's a F*CKING CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!
That husband needs to get a GD haircut and that wife needs to take some acting lessons. Boom roasted.
BOSTON (CBS) – A seven-year old from Boston says he was just protecting himself.
But the first-grader is being accused of possible sexual harassment.
The Boston Globe reports Mark Curran is being investigated by officials at Tynan Elementary School in South Boston after hitting another boy in the groin.
Curran’s mother says her child was fighting back after another kid choked him and stole his gloves on a school bus Nov. 22.
But, the school is treating this like a sexual harassment case, due to what it considers inappropriate touching.
The boy never did get the gloves back.
Are people so paranoid of becoming the next Penn State that they have to resort to investigating 7 year olds for sexual assault just for punching another kid in the junk? Let me tell you something, if some jerk off did this to my kid, I would totally tell him to finish the other kid off. You know how you end a fight? With a blow to the groin. That's a game changer right there. Boys get in fights, that's just what happens, it's not like this kid fondled little Sally in the back of the bus like some sexual deviant, he was protecting what's his.
I get legitimately fired up whenever I hear the start of this song. It just popped up on Pandora in my office and I wish someone was walking by because they would have seen my "OHHHH SH!!!!!!!!!!!TTTTT!" face. Q-Tip is like hot sauce, you can put him on anything and it will be better.
The phone is ringing Oh my God.
Obligatory Chappelle clip (Q Tip comes in at the 5:30 mark):
As a side note, my wife likes Dave Chappelle and liked some of the skits on his show, but absolutely hated this one. I loves this skit, but I really don't ever remember her being so adamant about hating something as much as she hated this skit. Just a little FYI.