Thursday, March 1, 2012

Kobe, Tell Me How That Mask Tastes

Thanks to D(ouche)-Wade, Kobe ended up with a concussion and a busted nose from the All Star game and is now just killing it with the Rip Hamilton face mask.  I bet LeBron tries to get Wade to break his nose too, just so he can show people that he can play with a face mask too.  It's like when you were a little kid and would just put a band aid on so people would ask you about it or they would think you were cool because you got cut.  

Essentially, I will use any vehicle possible to make fun of LeEgo.  Bron probably loves this mask because it only covers three-quarters of your face.

-Big Ran

Do You Come From a Land Down Under?


KHOU 11 News

Posted on February 29, 2012 at 8:06 AM
Updated yesterday at 1:12 PM

SPRING, Texas – A local family is locked in a fight with their HOA over an unusual pet.
The Dreis family has a 6-month-old kangaroo, Mike.

But they didn’t get Mike just for fun – he’s actually there to help the family’s 16-year-old special-needs daughter, Kala.

Jeni Dreis said she got Mike for Kala from the Texas Downs, a facility that helps disabled adults.

"They seem to relate to each other a lot better. Animals sense that they have a special-needs child around them and special-needs children learn how to be tender and sweet around them," Jeni Dreis said.

Kala has only had Mike for a month, but her mom said he’s already taught the teen a lot.
"Kala has been learning to care for him, and Kala has learned how to meet needs above her own," Jeni Dreis said.

But the neighborhood HOA has different ideas about Mike’s future.

Jeni Dreis said the organization sent her family a letter asking that they "immediately remove the kangaroo" from their property, because it is "not a household pet."

That’s left Kala heartbroken at the prospect of losing her new friend.

"I would cry," she said.

Jeni Dreis said she’s sent a letter back to the HOA protesting the order, but as of Tuesday, she was still waiting to hear back.

I'm totally bummed by the misleading title of this article. "Texas Family Fighting To Keep Special Needs Kangaroo". Um, that would imply that the Kangaroo has special needs, right? Well, according to the article, that is NOT the case. Who allowed this to be published with this sort of title? They should be fired----they ruined my day! I was expecting to become educated regarding exactly what 'special needs' entailed for a kangaroo and I'm met with some boring, 'feel good' story. Also, what is up with a kangaroo being in Texas? Can they even live in the U.S.? That's the first I've heard of any of this. That's it, I'm calling Brian Fellows, he'll know the answer!

*By the way,  the family should TOTALLY be allowed to keep this guy because his name is "Mike" and, on what grounds is the HOA basing their declaration that Mike is NOT a household pet? Prove it!

-KC Jones

Stuck In My Head

Say what you want about Kanye being a mega douche or Jay Z owning exactly one percent more of the New Jersey Nets than I do and naming his daughter Blue Ivy or some sh!t, but this CD they have out is straight fire.  No matter what though, don't forget that my man Fisticuff owns the streets.

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-Big Ran

Leaping Lizards....

Frigin Adorable....

MORPHETT VALE, South Australia -- Not many married couples share a birthday. Even fewer are born on the very same day of the same year.

Both Bill and Doll Sheridan were born on Feb, 29, 1932. Physically, the pair is 80. But by the book, or by our calendar, these great grandparents are actually 20 years old.
1. Doll is not a name, it's a term of endearment. 
2. This story would be more worthwhile IF they had gotten married on a leap year as well. 
3. I'm not sure if people are missing this, but a leap year involves one extra DAY, the rest of the days still exist, so people really aren't only a quarter of their age, etc. Just sayin'....

-KC Jones