Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Irrational Rant...Lexus Christmas Commercials

Just when you thought you couldn't hate the Lexus "December to Remember" commercials any more than you do already, they play this one during the Patriots game last night.  ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?  We're in a f*cking recession, we have douche bags occupying everything, and Lexus thinks its a good idea to have a couple hipsters giving each other luxury cars?  F*ck that noise.

Bro, how about you unbutton that top button, change the skinny jeans and get a haircut.  I bet these two a$$holes are graphic and interior designers.  F*ck them.

Who the f*ck buys a car for someone for Christmas other than someone getting one for their kid (and if the kid gets a Lexus, f*ck them too)?  Oh, hey, honey, thanks for dropping 50 large in a terrible economy, so when I get laid off we can continue to have payments on what could be the price of a small home in some parts of the country at super-high interest.  BEST. GIFT. EVER.

In a bad economy, I think they should go in one of two directions...

1.  A waspy couple drives their Lexus to a holiday party and goes into a house, only to have the car stolen and taken to a chop shop.

2.  This f*cking graphic designer loses his job and can't pay for his Lexus, so it gets repo'd.


-Big Ran

KC Jones notes: I couldn't agree with you more Big Ran. Truer words have never been spoken (or blogged). How about option #3: A waspy couple brings the Lexus home and their newly licensed teenage daughter takes it out and gets knocked up in the back seat? Uh-oh, looks like it's time for a trade in and a mini-van....Don't worry Big Ran, as usual, Honda, along w/ a little help from Putty (Seinfeld), puts these ass clowns in their places. Now this is what I'm talkin' 'bout!:

Big Ran Note: YESSSSS! I hadn't seen this Honda commercial, but do I like it? ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES!


  1. Right on Big Ran. HATE lexus & their douche bag commercials!

  2. Now there are several ads - the elevator plays the stupid song, the Rock Band game plays the stupid song, the music box plays the stupid song, OH HONEY, DOES THIS MEAN...GASP!!!

    I agree with you. It's unbelievably insulting.

    BTW I told my husband if he hears that song in an elevator or anywhere else, he's to disregard it completely, doesn't mean a damn thing, I didn't buy him a Lexus.
