Monday, May 16, 2011

A Couple Quick Things

When you are highfalutin bloggers like KC and I, you are depended upon to bring the heat every single day.  I am bringing no heat today, I've got nothing.  Anyway, I thought I would just pass along a couple of strange/awesome things I saw on Friday and Sunday.  

So, on Friday I am driving home from work, stopped at a red light (not a jacker in sight, holla at Ice Cube).  And I see a fat guy jogging.  He had the whole running get up, shoes, dri fit shirt, etc.  In addition, he was also carrying a large pizza in one hand.  Honest to God, this dude was jogging while carrying a pizza, presumably as his reward for jogging.  That's pretty great to see and I am just laughing my ass off.  I look around at other drivers an it is like they don't even see him, not even a glance out the window.  What is wrong with these people?  Am I the only one who thought that was amazing?  This story might not translate well without seeing it.

My second story comes from Sunday when I was driving and there was a bird standing in the middle of the road.  A small, black bird, just standing there facing traffic.  Not flying away, just chillin.  I drove around it. but this think didn't budge.  There are only three possibilities for why this occured:

1.  The bird is injured or dead and can't move (but it was on it's feet, not lying down)
2.  It's a stuffed bird and someone is pranking everyone
3.  This is the most gangsta bird I have ever seen.

I'm going with thee because this dude was not budging.  Just playing chicken with cars as they passed.  Or, maybe it had a death wish.  Who knows.

So, as you can tell, big weekend for Big Ran when those are the stories I pass along.

-Big Ran

KC Jones note: Big Ran is the funniest person I know, period. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

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