Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Irrational Rant...Barefoot Running Enthusiasts

The first time I saw a dude running barefoot, I was in Concord, MA.  Something about Concord really pisses me off; I just feel like everyone there is so entitled, but that is really neither here nor there.  So this dude, running barefoot through the center of town, of course stops to tell people all the benefits of running barefoot.  I didn't stick around to listen to him, but based on his appearance, the benefits included being about 300 pounds, hairy, and having a ponytail (did I mention he was shirtless, just short shorts).  Most of the people I have seen running barefoot or with these God-forsaken shoes with toes have been amazingly out of shape people.  Or, they have been people wearing them while not running, like chillin' in the airport or something.  To these people I say, "cut the shit."  Who do you think you're fooling?  You're not smart, you're not in shape, you just want to be the center of attention.

Every person I know that runs a lot says the same thing about running barefoot: no friggin' way.  God invented people, people became scientists and invented better running shoes to protect against injury.  Tribes in the Amazon?  Fine, you can run barefoot.  Fat dude I saw running shirtless (also why are fat dudes running shirtless, not pretty) near the San Diego Airport?  Enjoy picking glass and needles out of your feet, bro.  Also, enjoy the shin splints and stress fractures.

Lookin' good Scar Jo!

-Big Ran

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