Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Is This Person Good Looking?

From time to time, when I may be watching TV or online, I'll come across someone famous and really not know if they are good looking or not.  Like, sometimes, they look friggin' awesome, then other times they are shockingly horrific.  I'm not bringing much to the table today, so you might get a few of these.  First up...

Uma Thurman

The good...

OK, so I tried to get a variety of pics here.  One that could be airbrushed all to hell, a more candid one, and one where her stuff is together, but wouldn't be airbrushed.  For these three, I'm saying good looking, nothing wrong with these.

The not so good...

So, I'm not really sure what to make of Uma.  Some angles, she's looking good.  Others?  Not so much.  Her name is fun to say, so she's got that going for her.

-Big Ran

KC Jones input: Uma Thurman- NOT HOT. It's too bad, because w/ a name like "Uma", you have to hope someone would be attractive. The first picture is good because it's from a distance. Otherwise, I think she looks a lot like this little guy:

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