Honestly, there are so many people who I would love to see "put down" if euthanizing human beings was legal. I don't pay much attention to Twitter, as I don't have it, don't understand it, and could care less about it, BUT when I log on to "People.com", they have a live streaming twitter feed, with random 'Celebrities' current tweets scrolling 24/7. I just logged on to unfortunately see this one:

Ok then, just a couple of things:
1. Hey Brooke Burke, how much work have you had done? I can't stand your face! (And all of the plastic surgeries have just made me hate you more!)
2. Um, no one cares. Seriously. Why would ANYONE think that anyone in the world cared to read about this? What, it disgusted you, so you wanted to ruin everyone else's appetite as well? Oh, you "barfed"? Haven't heard that word since I was in middle school or subjected to an episode of "The Simpons"
3. Hey Brooke Burke: You suck on Dancing With The Stars and you suck in the "Sketchers" commercials (really? You've always been passionate about WALKING? Walking really isn't something anyone associates with passion, I wonder if the botulism from your injections is leaking into your bloodstream and going straight to your brain). The phrase "no talent ass clown" comes to mind. Good job posing nude in Playboy to launch your 'career'...which has since been a joke.
4. Oh, by the way Brooke Burke: Did you wake up in your garage? Sounds like it. Good for you. You irk me in a way that I could never verbalize.
P.S. To the producers of "Dancing With The Stars"; please bring Samantha Harris back as co-host, STAT. It would help me forgive you for ruining the show with Brooke Burke AND with the prior season's cast in general.
P.P.S. Dear "Sketchers"; I never thought I'd say it, but suddenly the "Candies" ads with that trash Jennie McCarthy sitting on a toilet are far more appealing than your stupid ads with Brooke Burke. By the way, those shoes are a scam that people playing with a full deck NEVER fell for. Just sayin'
-KC Jones
*Big Ran Note: WHen I first saw this post, I thought KC wrote "Twats on Twitter." That would also work.
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