I understand that people will argue that English is spoken globally so we don't understand, etc, but I don't buy it. Yes, it is spoken globally, but these countries that teach it aren't giving up their own languages and we aren't moving there expecting them to cater to us. What about our ancestors that moved here and worked their asses off to learn the language? We offer so many ESL programs in this country that it shouldn't be an issue. Look in the job section of any paper or any online job site, ESL jobs are ALWAYS in demand. As for those people who won't learn, it's pure laziness and/or arrogance and we're allowing it to happen. Kudos to New London, but at the same time, I'm sorry that we needed a mandate to make this happen.
-KC Jones
Check out the entire article at:
New London Graduation Requirement: Speak English
Only 16 percent of 10th graders test at the highest levels.
Monday, May 16, 2011 | Updated 6:46 PM EDT

The schools superintendent says, beginning in 2015, students must be able to read and write English in order to graduate.
Students in New London will not only have to pass English to graduate, but they will have to prove that they know the American English language and be able to demonstrate it as of 2015.
The board of education on Thursday approved the major change to city education policy, according to the Day of New London.
The student body includes immigrants from 28 countries, the Day reports. And the school district Web site includes translations in 52 languages.
"We know from colleges and employers, that our students are going to have to know how to read and write in English if they are going be successful," Supt. Nicholas Fischer, told the Day.
That is not to say that the school is instituting an "English only" program in which where students are told they can only speak English in the schools. New London's program is a literacy program in which students will be required to achieve a certain level of English reading and writing literacy by the 10th grade.
*Big Ran Note:
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