Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife, Cause the Rapture Takin' Errbody (Well, Some I Guess)

It figures I schedule a weekend getaway with my wife on the same day as the rapture.  The traffic is probably going to be terrible.  Good thing I booked the hotel like six weeks ago, huh?  Do you think God will be pissed that I planned on spending this weekend touring breweries, napping, and going to restaurants, while he is getting his rapture on?  Like, I'm not going to interfere at all and I figure that if anything, there will be shorter lines throughout the course of the weekend. 

Now I went to Catholic schools through college, (K-16 baby!) and I don't know my Bible so well, but why would the Rapture be on a Saturday?  Is it because God wants to get it done so he can rest on Sunday?  One of my favorite weekend activities that I can never really pull off anymore is napping on my couch while sort of watching a Red Sox game, so maybe God likes to do that too and wants to get his work out of the way on Saturday.  That makes sense.  However, I feel like he should give people one last chance to get to Church on Sunday, like cramming for a big exam.  I think a wise and benevolent God would do that.

What's everyone planning to do for the Rapture?  Anyone having a party or anything?  

-Big Ran

KC Jones is also wondering how the Mayans feel about this as they are predicting 2012 as the end of the world. Someone is clearly wrong and I guess we'll find out come Saturday. I think the Big Guy knows what he's doing and clearly he's having a good laugh up there as he watches some of His creations posting billboards and making signs to prepare for the, I gotta go, I think I just saw a locust scamper past my cube.... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

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