Friday, May 6, 2011


I just got a text from someone that I don't know and all it said was "TGIF."  I texted back asking who it was, but they didn't respond.  I should have responded with something awesome, like, "Damn right, wanna bone?"  I didn't because I'm not awake yet.

Here's a little something to get your day started.  Party Like a Rock Star, but a piano cover, hey, it's still early and if you crank it in your cube, people will think you're classy.

-Big Ran

Update:  I got a text back that said "Sorry, wrong number."  I responded with "No problem, TGIF like a mofo anyway."


  1. If only Monday was a holiday! It would make this long awaited Friday much better


  2. I have had two straight 4 day weeks and I swear 4 day weeks seem infinitely longer than 5 day ones for some reason. Brutal.
    -Big Ran
