Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Office Etiquette....Passive Agressive Co-Workers...

Let's face it; change is never easy. I understand more than anyone as I'm the biggest creature of habit going. Sometimes I think I'm completely out of control in regards to my fear of change. But then, something like the following happens and suddenly I realize I'm doing just fine:

My boss came to me last Tuesday to tell me that the cleaners moved the free standing trash can in the men's bathroom on our floor from one side of the door to the other. We both (along with the few other people I've since mentioned it to), agree that this is a non-issue. How could this possibly upset someone? Well, apparently, it did and the offended party first launched a silent protest of throwing paper towels ON THE FLOOR where the basket used to be:

Yes, it is true; I work at an enormous Corporate Office, allegedly full of adults, and this is the behavior that some of them choose to exhibit. (Along with not washing their hands, leaving surprises in the stalls, and going into the bathrooms with magazines, newspapers, and novels)....and anyone who thinks guys are gross has obviously NEVER been in the 'Ladies' (and I use that term loosely) Room.
So, in the following days, the plot thickened:  The basket CONTINUED ending up on the 'wrong' side of the door and the trash continued to pile up. Furthermore, the "Occupy Restroom" bandit decided to put up a handwritten sign that said "Trash Can Here" with a 'down' arrow pointed towards the floor. When this failed to modify the behavior of the cleaners, the can was tipped upside down and the paper towels that were in it found a new home all over the floor!

"The Struggle", as my boss coined it,  continued on from Tuesday until Friday afternoon. It was at this point that he went into the bathroom and found that someone finally had had enough of the occupier's behavior and called them out. Receiving the below  picture from my boss was the highlight of my day. That might be pathetic, but that's the kind of week it was!

That's right! The sign says, "Don't be a knucklehead. Use the trash can". I support the choice of the word "knucklehead" because you KNOW that that will infuriate the mental midget who is doing this beyond ALL possible belief. However, it does make me slightly worried about the threat of workplace violence. I mean, if a 'misplaced' trashcan could set this knucklehead off, can you even IMAGINE how a sign calling him out on his lunacy will affect his otherwise sunny disposition??
We have discussed it repeatedly as we'd LOVE to find out who had the mental breakdown and acted like this in the first place. We'd also LOVE to know who was awesome enough to put the final sign up and call this lunatic out on his behavior. I, for one, would love to buy this guy lunch! (And I would like a 'no contact' order issued against whoever the other one is). We're still not sure who did either, but rest assured, we're on the case and will keep you posted.

*Big Ran aka Picasso of YouTube:

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