Monday, May 23, 2011

Enough is Enough

Um, in regards to the clip below, all I really have to say is "wow". I know we usually keep it light and funny here at "The Takeover", but this dude is the captain of all douches (he was second in command until Teddy's passing) and needs to be called out.  Honestly, why is this zero even allowed to SPEAK? I guess the bigger question is why should I be surprised in regards to this? After all, here's a dude whose father, Ted Kennedy, drove drunk, killed a woman, and literally got away with murder and was still celebrated throughout his entire life as the people's champ. So obviously, it's only natural that his son would be sympathetic to a cold blooded, calculating killer.

Are there muzzles available for people? If so, I think this guy should be able to use the undue privileges associated with the Kennedy family name to cut ahead to the front of the line for his. Yup, you heard it right people, his comments towards the gunman who shot and killed and seriously wounded so many in Arizona were "It's an irony, but we think no stigma towards Gabby and her brain injury, but [Loughner] has a brain injury as well, because clearly his brain was not working properly when he picked up that gun and shot all those people." He then proceeds to turn this bottom feeder's behavior into OUR fault with the comment "We failed as a society, because every time we see someone who's -- and we use the pejorative words -- 'crazy,' 'psycho,' 'nuts,' we look the other way".  WHAT?! Damn right there's no stigma attached to a woman who almost had her brains blown out and there is a 'stigma' attached to an evil person. Typical of some in society trying to make excuses for those with no respect for life.

This dude is CLEARLY still hitting the sauce and the Ambien BIG time if he's running around saying this sort of garbage. I'm sorry, but I've reached a zero tolerance policy for ass clowns and that's just what he is.

-KC Jones

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