Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Don't Change that Channel!

Most of us have itchy fingers and immediately start flipping through the channels as soon there is a commercial break during a show we are watching. I, however, have been enjoying commercials more than regular television lately. Tonight reminded me of that and I wanted to call attention to my favorite advertisements over the past few years. Now, we all know that Big Ran's favorite is the mini-series for "Certain Dri", and while I agree that it is phenomenal because it really keeps you glued to your seat & wanting more, I have a few others that I am completely taken with or astounded by:

1. Dunkin' Donuts- "Alarm Clock Catastrophe"- Love it or Hate It (and I love it!) once this started airing, I couldn't get it out of my head for months. And I still have it in my head on a regular basis. Even if you hate it, it rings true. And it always leaves me craving a blueberry bagel & an iced tea!

P.S. Is that John Goodman on the voice over at the end?

2. Massengill- "Do You Douche?"- Right, this is a normal conversation most mothers and daughters have had, especially on the beach. Admittedly, this is not a 'recent' commercial, but it is timeless to me, and I feel fresh and clean just watching it. Douche is one of those products that doesn't need advertisements, but I am always anxiously awaiting new ones as they are so insane! Remember, the family that douches together, stays together.

3. Sour Patch Kids-"First They're Sour, Then They're Sweet"-This line of commercials (I have put links to several of them) are pure marketing genius as far as I'm concerned. The first time I ever saw one, I was so taken,  I started asking everyone around me if they had ever seen them. Whoever came up with these deserves a promotion & raise STAT! I might be a simpleton, but few commercials have made me laugh this hard!

4. Skittles-"Singing Bunny"-I have NO idea what is going on with this commercial, it has NO point at all, but that's why I love it so much. It's obnoxious and addictive all at once. It has NOTHING to do with the candy, yet it makes you remember Skittles. How scary is the rabbit?

5. Orbit Gum-"Spin the Bottle"- Every single second of this commercial is hilarious. There are so many sexual innuendos and again, I wish I had half the creativity of the people who came up with this. How ridiculous is the cat? Even though I don't chew gum, I'll start buying this product in bulk to encourage more of these insane clips!

And finally, the commercial that prompted this post:

6. Herb Chambers-"We've Got What You Need"- I saw this for the first time tonight. Seemingly, it is completely random--we've got Red Sox player Kevin Youkilis at the piano with Herb Chambers covering Biz Markie (who is getting a LOT of press in "The Takeover" this week!) and then...well...look who shows up! However, it's not that random because apparently this song is Youk's walk up music. What a funny dude! Nothing like a manly athlete poking fun at themselves! Also, just a reminder, since we're talking about the Red Sox, I HATE Heidi Watney.

There are plenty of other awesome commercials as well, but I just wanted to throw a few out there to inspire all of our readers! 

-KC Jones

*Big Ran Note:  I just wanted to add this since there was already a Skittles ad:

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