Thursday, April 21, 2011

Endangered Whales Gathering Near the Cape, Poising for Attack

A record number of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whales has gathered close off the beaches of Provincetown and Truro and is expected to stay there for at least another week, said Dr. Charles “Stormy’’ Mayo, senior scientist at the Center for Coastal Studies in Provincetown.

Researchers counted more than 100 whales during an aerial survey Tuesday, with a preliminary count of more than 200 total, a little less than half of the known population. At some points the whales can be seen just a few yards offshore, to a quarter-mile out.

The whales are drawn to the area this time of year by the stores of zooplankton. Mayo said he thinks there is a large number of the whales there now because the area is particularly rich in zooplankton this year.

“We don’t understand that particularly well, but it’s clearly a combination of oceanographic processes and a lot of marine biology,’’ he said. “There are currents that bring the plankton into the area and local currents that cause them to concentrate, and it’s probably an overlapping of a lot of physical processes.Right now, the situation is good for that, just as when you grow plants in your backyard. Some years, there are better situations than others.’’

BULLSHIT.  These whales are pissed and they are getting ready for vengeance.  Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husbands too, cause these right whales are raping errbody up in here.  This zooplankton is just an excuse for them to loiter off the coast of the Cape and plan their next move.  I don't like it.  I don't trust them.  

Also, the marine biologists don't understand it?  That's your job bro, figure it out before its too late!  Unless the Globe found the dude posing as a marine biologist trying to impress a chick like George Costanza.  Wrong place, wrong time and his spot just got blown the fuck up.

-Big Ran

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