Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lunchtime Look-a-Like

I have to give my boss credit for today's installment of "Lunchtime Look-a-Like". Thanks dude! I got home from work last night and logged on to my email a little later to send him an email about a report I had to run. Somewhere during that email thread, I received the following picture and was inspired to use it for today's post:

Yup! It's just what you think! Flava Flav & Spike (I don't know why it says 'Stripe' in the picture, because that's wrong) from Gremlins. Pretty good, right? Now, I usually don't find animated characters and human beings to be doppelgangers (the only exceptions being Boston Mayor Tom Menino & Fred Flinstone and the CEO of my company and the "Empire Carpet Man"), but this takes the cake. I guess it's not a surprise because F squared has always seemed more like a cartoon than a real person anyway. Sadly, truth be told, I'd rather snuggle up to Spike than Flav any day....I don't think Spike could transmit as many diseases....

The teeth, the crazed looks, the wiry bodies and of course the Viking hat compared to the Gremlin's ears make them dead ringers. I have a sneaking suspicion that Spike is slightly more stable and better behaved than his twin though.

I hope he remembers that should he run into Spike, he should never, ever feed him after midnight---not even his delicious fried chicken.....he should also never get him wet, but judging by how filthy Flav looks, I'm sure bath times are few and far between, if at all.

-KC Jones

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