Friday, April 15, 2011

Irrational Rant....Sticker Shock

Have you ever been driving down the road and looked at the car next to you only to notice rear side windows that look like a makeshift sticker book? Or, have you ever pulled into a parking spot next to a vehicle decorated in a similar fashion? Yesterday, on my way home from work, this was the situation on the vehicle next to me and I got all fired up as I always do when I see this sort of thing.

Yes, I understand that kids do things and parents can't catch EVERYTHING...and, no, I'm not a parent (trust me, I can only imagine how much work it involves and that's a major reason why I'm completely disinterested). Furthermore, I understand that it's not my car, so technically, I shouldn't care, but it's not like there were just one or two. (Also, this is the "Irrational Rants" section, so my feelings are perfectly acceptable here). There were literally entire sheets of stickers "adorning" the vehicle that these working class stiffs are most likely STILL making payments for every month. What really gets me is when the car/minivan is still relatively new.

Parents, I understand that you want to foster Little Timmy and Jane's creativity, and I fully support that. However, can't you give them a few sheets of paper on which they can express themselves? Or maybe you can spring for a real sticker book where they can proudly display their collections. Or, if/when this behavior occurs, can't you stop it before you have 20 sparkly fairies or farm animals clinging to each of your windows? And, if you can't do either or those things, could you at LEAST supply them with removal vinyl decals instead of stickers? This way they can still have their fun and you won't have to drive around in a hooptie ride (see below for link to a definition)*. Moms and dads; you do everything for your kids; you go to work every day to support them, you go without so you can give them everything they want and need, and this is how they repay you? It's like they are using the fact that they are children to give you the finger (figuratively speaking) as they ruin your possessions....ok, ok, so I'm just being wise with that comment, but you get my point ;)  Clearly if the child is old enough to have the fine motor skills and dexterity to peel the pieces off the sheet and reach the windows, they are old enough to understand the word "NO!" and to be punished or at least scolded for doing so.

For those of you who may disagree with me, I'd like to pose the following question: Would you allow this behavior to go on in your home? If you walked by and your offspring was standing in the living room decorating the walls with stickers, or worse COLORING on the walls, would it be okay? If the answer is 'yes', then I truly admire you---you are far more laid back and a better person than I will ever be. However, if you agree with me that this behavior is unacceptable in the house, please explain to me why it is permitted in the car.

I know that if I ever have kids, they are going to give me a run for my money. There will be times where I have no control and there will be times when I consider sending them away. Trust me, I know that I have NO idea what I'm in for if I ever become a parent. But also trust me when I tell you that the only sticker that will ever be on a vehicle I own is the yearly inspection sticker.

-KC Jones

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