Friday, April 15, 2011

Irrational Rant...Staying at work until 4:30.

Before people start bitching, let me get this out of the way.  Blah, blah, blah, I know I am lucky to have a stable job.  Blah, blah, blah, I know I am lucky to not work 80 hours a week 52 weeks a year.  Here's my point: if I get all the work I could possibly do today done and I don't have the creative energy left to come up with fancy proposals to save the company $5 million, why do I have to go through the bull shit act of staying until everyone else leaves at 4:30?  Why can't I peace out, go home, and come back a happier employee?  I realize that some companies let you do this.  As long as you finish work, you can head out.  But, let's be honest, that's not most companies.

Today I have done all my work, asked other people if they have anything I can help them with, have actually started working on a project that doesn't even remotely need to be started yet, watched episodes of The Office30 Rock, and Communitythat I missed, banged out a couple blogs, cleaned my desk, and checked like 14 times.

I am wasting electricity, oxygen, and my time.  However, can you imagine what my bosses reaction would be if I said, "Hey, I am all set for the day, I've done everything I can do, so I am heading home early."  I'm guessing that would come up as a negative in the old performance review.

How about I head out an hour early, miss some traffic, walk my dog, work out, make dinner, and return to work more productive and refreshed tomorrow morning? Nope.  That wouldn't be fair to all the people that aren't as good as I am at my job and somehow stretch their work out until 4:30.

Nothing really funny in this one, so here's a video of fat people falling:

Totally worth checking that one out.

-Big Ran

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