Let me preface this post/rant by saying the following: I'm foul today because it's Tuesday and not Friday and because I wasn't aware that I moved to Seattle. I'd go so far as to say I'd rather be getting water boarded than be at work today...oh wait, I can be water boarded, I just have to go outside real quick.
Ok, so, meetings are common in any office as my man Big Ran has mentioned before. They are also stupid, and he covered that quite well. This post relates to where meetings should be held. The answer is simple---in a conference room or in someone's office, where a door can be closed. There is NO need to have an impromptu meeting outside of someone's cube and disrupt EVERYONE in the area. I'm fairly laid back when it comes to noise in the office because 1. I'm loud and 2. It's just the way it is when you have that many people in a cube farm. However, meetings in or outside of someone's cube are just unacceptable. Each person is talking over the other people and with each word it seems as though their volume gets louder and louder. If you are nearby, you can forget about doing anything that requires concentration and you'll have to put any conversations you'd like to have on hold until the meeting of the minds is adjourned.
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You might ask, 'what if there are no conference rooms or offices available?'. My solutions are simple: First, the meeting can always be postponed until one is available because (and I know a lot of people in offices forget this) we aren't saving lives. Nothing is EVER THAT URGENT. I'm all about efficiency and results, but you know what I mean. Secondly, if the matter at hand is that critical (which it's NOT, but I'm just humoring the d-bags of the world), go to a common area like the cafeteria, kitchen, or even a frigin hallway. Anywhere where you're NOT going to aggravate EVERYONE in a 1 mile radius. Actually, maybe the handicapped stall in a bathroom would be a good place. I've noticed that those are extremely roomy. Maybe slide in some rolling chairs, etc. You could easily fit 4 or 5 people in the handicapped stalls in my office.
Happy Frigin Tuesday!
-KC Jones