Monday, November 28, 2011

I Love People....The Maiden Voyage...

So, I've decided to introduce a new series of 'regular' posts to "The Takeover" entitled, "I Love People". Now, I also hate them, so that series of posts might be coming along as well, but after a quick trip to CVS last night, I needed to share the insanity that I witnessed. I figured this little episode would be the perfect introduction for "I Love People".

Ok, so the Christmas spirit is in the air and on full display at all retailers. I go into CVS last night and the holiday aisle is fully stocked with candy, stockings, lights, Santa & snowmen decorations, and plenty of wrapping paraphernalia. I notice this guy standing at the front of the aisle with his son. The little boy was probably 4, tops and his father looked like he just hopped out of an episode of MacGyver (think 1980's attire, leather coat, feathered almost mullet hair--but he also looked like he MIGHT have just come off a bender).

Anyway, the boy is standing next to a 'life sized Nutcracker' (life sized meaning it was the little boy's height) and pulling the lever up and down, making the mouth open and speaking for Mr. Cracker (it should be noted that this particular nut buster was holding a drum). So, then I hear another little voice and I look down the seasonal aisle and see this guy's other son (probably around 6), doing the same thing. The two wooden crackers are conversing, and soon it turns into this:

6 year old: "What are you doing?"

4 year old: "I don't know, I'm a drunk!"

Ummm...So I wasn't sure if I heard it right and doubted myself for a moment, until MacGvyer said, "What? You're a drummer?" (Remember, this Nutcracker was holding a drum). And the boy responded back, "No, I'm a drunk!"...And instead of nervous laughter or trying to change the subject, MacGvyer says, "Well, I guess you could be a drunk drummer!". He was apparently very proud of his own comment as he started to laugh (naturally I did as well), and then he goes into the aisle and grabs another Nutcracker (this time a hand held one) and starts playing along with the kids. Who wants to bet this guy will be drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon with his boys before they are 21? But, in his mind, he'll be supervising, so it's all good.

 This is just a quick little story, but I wanted to share it because it was hilarious and because sometimes, I love people!

-KC Jones

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