Lawmaker Compares Lobbyist Badges to Holocaust Tattoos - The Anti-Defamation League New England has called for an apology from a state lawmaker who, in criticizing a proposal to require lobbyists to to wear badges, compared them with Holocaust victims.
“Casual references to the Holocaust in a legitimate discussion about domestic Ethic Reform are offensive and destructive,” said Derrek L. Shulman, regional director of ADL New England.
Representative John Binienda, a Worcester Democrat who heads the House Rules Committee, said a Republican proposal to force lobbyists to wear badges while talking to lawmakers smacked of tattoos that Jews were forced to wear.
“The idea of the badge by lobbyists to me, I kind of find that revolting,” Representative John Binienda, a Worcester Democrat, told the State House News Service in article posted this morning. “Hitler during the concentration camps tattooed all of the Jewish people so he would know who was a Jew and who wasn’t, and that’s something that I just don’t go along with.”
Shulman called for Binienda to “retract and apologize for his comments immediately, and demonstrate his understanding of why his comments are outrageous.”
House Republicans made the proposal as part of a package of ethics changes offered after former House Speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi was convicted on federal corruption charges earlier this month.
DiMasi, who took a kickback in exchange for getting a software contract approved, is the third consecutive speaker to plead guilty to or be convicted of a felony.
The proposal to require badges for lobbyists was pitched by Republicans as a transparency measure, so that members of the public, the press, and lawmakers themselves would know which special interests were attempting to influence lawmaking.
Even though lawmakers know many of the lobbyists, the badges would serve as a reminder, Republicans have said. Binienda told the News Service that was unnecessary.
“I know who the lobbyists are when I go out there,” said Binienda.
Really? This guy was serious with this sh!t? I mean, he made several references to the Holocaust and he doesn't think that maybe, just maybe he's venturing into territory that may be a bit dicey? No? Unless we will be rounding up lobbyists and sending them into gas chambers, I think they can deal with wearing an ID badge. I know that viewpoint may be really out there, so you can address your complaints to our e-mail account.
Obligatory Office Space quote: "You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear." ~ Peter Gibbons
-Big Ran
PS: And people ask me why I wanted to move out of Worcester after growing up there. At least I was born in Boston.
Ok, so, due to some life changes that were out of my control (namely, becoming suddenly single after my boyfriend of over three years just suddenly walked out on me and our home out of nowhere---seriously!), I'm considering getting a dog. I need help in the healing process and even though I used to be the #1 anti-pooch person, I feel totally different now. I owe this change of heart to Ceasar, my ex's Pitbull, who was the most loyal, loving, snuggly dog ever. We were arch rivals in many ways as I ran around cleaning up after he left his hair all over the house, but in the end, I truly loved this little guy. Unfortunately, I have no idea what happened to our relationship, and seemingly overnight, and without warning, I am left single and dog-less now.
So, where is this post going? I know that you're all used to our lighthearted, ridiculous posts. Don't worry, this one will not disappoint. I apologize for the depressing preface, but I had to let everyone know what's going on. That's why Big Ran, one of my best friends, has been carrying the blog for a while now. He's amazing, isn't he? So, as I've been on I've noticed that there seems to be a plethora of dogs with RIDICULOUS names. The names are not only ridiculous for the dogs, but embarrassing for certain people whose images and likenesses are being used without their permission.
Consider the following:
1. Kelly Clarkson: Yes, that's right. A greyhound named after an American Idol winner. Unbelievable. I fail to see the similarities or how this could have even happened. How embarrassing would it be to call the vet and let them know you had to bring in your dog named Kelly Clarkson? How dumb would your neighbors think you were if they heard you calling "Kelly Clarkson" back into the house after she'd been out for a while running around. And, more importantly, what would Kelly Clarkson say if she found out? Ummmm...I'd be kind of embarrassed. On a side note, if you're interested in adopting Kelly (the canine, not the singer), check out the link:
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson
2. Clarissa Billburry: What? This female German Shepherd most likely wouldn't have picked this name for herself. Also, why are people giving their dogs last names? I thought that their last name would be your last name? German Shepherds are suppose to be this strong, smart, intimidating breed. With a name like that, she's just going to get a lot of 'huhs'? and 'excuse mes?' And, because this isn't a celebrity name, how did someone come up with it? She's a homeless dog, dealing with a heart problem, hasn't she been through enough? I could totally deal with Clarissa, but the last name is what really gets me wondering. Check her out, she's cute!
3. Travis Billbury: See #2's commentary. I'm guessing they must be siblings. If not, I'm not sure what to say.
4. Ol' Man: Unacceptable. This is a dog, and he deserves a real name. Sounds like someone was just lazy. This is the equivalent of naming your newborn baby, 'kid' or 'child'. I hope this little guy gets adopted and given a real name.
5. Candy the Wacky Lab: Um, how about just Candy? It's not like you'd name a little boy w/ asthma "Jack the asthmatic boy". It just seems ridiculous to me. Whoever did this does not deserve a pet, ever. Also, that name isn't much of a selling point. Who wants a dog that's already being classified as wacky? *Please note, she also has a brother named "Wizard the Magic Lab". Poor little guy!
6. Henry Thomas: If he were a child, he'd be picked on at school with a name like that. Again, just Henry? Fine. Just Thomas? Cool. Henry Thomas=Nerd Alert. I wonder if he has a last name because it seems clear that he has a first and middle name. The good thing for this pup is that he's a pitbull, so if any of the other doggies taunt him, he can just maul them and put an end to it.
7. Snookie: While Snookie from "The Jersey Shore" is truly an animal in so many ways, it's simply not fair to this dog. Fail!
8. Fanny: No. Frigin. Way. Unfair! I pray that this dog is adopted and given a new name very quickly. Who would do that?
These were some that caught my attention, but there are plenty of others. Go to to search for yourself and remember my simple rules for naming pets:
1. Avoid naming after celebrities. There CAN be an occasional exception to this rule, but think long and hard before you do it.
2. Avoid giving full names (middle and last names are not necessary).
3. Give REAL names (I'd much rather prefer "Henry Thomas" as dorky as it is, to say, "Bubbles". That's just degrading and/or lazy!)
4. Do not give them generic names such as Fido or Garfield.
5. Do not name them after an animal they aren't. For example, "Tiger". That's just not true and it's stupid.
6. Be creative, but consider how you'd feel if it were your name.
7. Do not name them with titles. For example, Prince, Princess, Dutchess. Gross.
8. No naming after body parts (see #8 above).
We here at "The Takeover" will call the ASPCA if we find out any of our rules have been broken.
-KC Jones
*Big Ran Note: First of all, I am very, very happy to have KC back in the fold. There is NO doubt that I am a much funnier person when she has input here.
Secondly, this is a great post. Mrs. Big Ran and I are getting a second dog next week and it's a girl. I have NO IDEA what to name her. Male dogs are easy to name, it can be almost any male name or after something you like. A friend of mine named her dog Cisco, after Cisco Breweries on Nantucket, it's perfect. We named our first dog Otis, after Otis Redding. My dog growing up was named Buddie. Male dogs are much easier to find a name for.
With all that said, how friggin' awesome are dogs? They are honestly the best things in the world. DOgs are WAY better than people.
Big Ran PS: What happened to Kelly Clarkson?
KC Jones Says: She looks like Meatloaf!
Big Ran note: If Meatlof and Willie Nelson could have a child, this would be it.
So, I've had a few good conversations over text the last few weeks, but this one definitely takes the cake. If this convo looks familiar to you, holler at us!
June 6, 12:52 AM:
Stranger: Holaa
June 7, 12:12 AM:
Stranger: Pole on ur walla are makin me die a little inside
June 7, 9:28 PM:
Me: Hey, who's this? Not sure, but got a couple texts from you.
Stranger: This is bill finklestein a stalker in the west
Me: Niiiiiiiice
Stranger: Yes ive been following on the streetss iam a efficient stalker in fact i got my license in professional stalker oi am the best
Me: Stalker University or Stalker State? State is a safety school.
Stranger: I can not tell you stalker code plus u could track me outside ur house i womnt get back to jail and gety raped again.
Me: I can respect that. Plus without ruphies you remember the raping. Bad times.
Stranger: I feel pretty witty
Me: You're on fire.
Stranger: Its jordan u know this
June 7, 9:46 PM
Me: You're crazy
Jordan: Yep ive lost it <:*>
Me: Got a new phone. Send a pic for caller in
June 7, 10:03 PM:
Jordan: This what u mean
Me: No. Abe dong pics.
Jordan: I will not i am a classy lady
June 7, 10:15 PM:
Me: F
Me: Classy only goes so far.
Jordan: F is not a word it is a letter kremit
Me: That was actually an accident not a reference to a curse word
Me: I am classy too
Jordan: I never hearfd a curse word in my klife ohh myy i am puree ive been corrupted...U are queen elizabeth classy except you do not crap on the working class and homeless people
Me: Not that classy, but I am taller
June 7, 10:56 PM:
Jordan: Yeee yee bloody wankaa
Me: True fact
June 8, 1:06 PM:
Jordan: Truee dat truee dat
June 26, 1:00 AM:
Hey seany how you doin
June 26, 1:38 AM:
Jordan: R
So, as you can see, I think we can deduce a few things:
1. They like to text in the late night/early morning hours and like drinking mid week, so I'm guessing they are younger than me. Plus, there's some text lingo I don't use as an old f*cker.
2. His/her name is Jordan. I'm guessing female, but there is a chance it's Michael Jordan, which would be awesome.
3. Maybe they are a history major in college. That Queen Elizabeth reference and Lincoln Memorial pic were very nice touches.
4. This person has a great sense of humor and is very entertaining to text with.
4. She thinks I'm Sean.
So, where do we go from here? Not sure, but I feel like I need to be on my A game when I respond next.
PYONGYANG, North Korea - North Korea's heir apparent, Kim Jong Eun, underwent plastic surgery six times to look more like his grandfather, the Communist state's "eternal president" Kim Il Sung, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported Tuesday.
The mysterious Kim Jong Eun, the youngest son of despot Kim Jong Il, underwent the operations between 2007 and 2010 before he was unveiled as the next-in-line to rule the nuclear-armed rogue nation, the report quoted an activist as saying.
Ha Tae Kyung, the head of Open Radio for North Korea, made the claim at a talk on North Korea's hereditary succession at the Royal United Services Institute in London and said that he was quoting senior North Korean officials.
The short and stocky Kim Jong Eun, who is believed to be in his late 20s, closely resembles both his father and grandfather. But his first appearance last year sparked speculation that plastic surgery may have been required to achieve the likeness.
I think I heard once that the most common cosmetic surgery is a breast reduction. It actually looks like this dude could use one of those, or at least a bro/manziere. With that said, you have to appreciate the commitment lil' Kim Jong Eun is showing here. How many people would be willing to have surgery to look more like their grandfather and father, not many.
Here's a little Big Ran Fun Fact: I have been to within about 3 feet of the North Korean boarder. I was in South Korea for work and went on a tour of the DMZ. The more you know. I never got the chance to try their secret micro brew.
Pittsburgh Post Gazette - The city of Pittsburgh will hold a rally at noon Thursday to honor Hines Ward's victory in ABC-TV's "Dancing with the Stars" competition.
The rally will be held in front of the City-County Building on Grant Street.
Mr. Ward and dance partner Kym Johnson will be present.
Fans are encouraged to wear black and gold and bring Terrible Towels to the rally.
"City residents and the Steelers Nation have contacted my office asking for the city to properly thank our hometown hero for once-again shining the spotlight on Pittsburgh," Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said.
In addition, couples are invited to highlight their dancing skills in two-minute YouTube videos for a chance to appear on stage with Mr. Ward and Ms. Johnson. No more than two dancers can appear in the video.
Videos, with the entrants' contact information, must be submitted to by 4 p.m. Wednesday.
City officials will pick five videos for posting on the city Facebook page. The three entrants with the most "likes" by 11 a.m. Thursday will be invited on stage for a "dance-off" to be judged by Mr. Ward, Ms. Johnson and Mr. Ravenstahl.
The three finalists will be photographed with Mr. Ward, Ms. Johnson and their Mirror Ball Trophy. Winners of the dance-off will receive autographed Hines Ward jerseys.
In addition, fans who bring non-perishable food items for the Salvation Army can enter a contest with the chance of winning a Terrible Towel signed by Mr. Ward and Ms. Johnson.
Wow. This is honestly sad. I always thought it was pathetic when Boston had a rally for Ray Bourque after he won a Stanley Cup with the Colorado Avalanche, but Pittsburgh has taken it to a whole new level. This is a city who has seen the Pirates win the World Series five times (well, 3 of them were 1960 or earlier and the last was in 1979, so no one under the age of 35 could possibly remember this and I think at this point they have had 20 straight losing seasons), the Penguins just won the Stanley Cup two years ago in 2009 after winning back-to-back in 1991 and 1992, and the Steelers, who are one of the marquee franchises in the NFL, winning the Super Bowl six times including 2005 and 2008. Its not like they haven't seen success and seen it lately. I mean, I know they have to live in Pittsburgh and probably all have the black lung, but this is out of control. I picture Bill Cowher standing there with a single tear streaming down his face in pure unadulterated sadness.
Well, if you're anything like me, the end of the NBA Season has you depressed and looking for something to fill the void. As I searched for that placeholder, I should have realized that everyone's favorite NBA Citizenship Award winner would definitely do something to make the off-season more interesting.
Yup, that's right, Ron Artest has changed his name to "Metta World Peace". Although we will have to wait until August 26th to find out if the courts will legally recognize this name change request, I have a pretty good feeling it's going to happen.
A Few Questions:
1. When he takes the court next season, what will be on the back of his jersey? "World Peace"? "Peace"?
2. When he gets mouthy, how will the commentators explain it? "World Peace just committed a technical foul".
3. When he is fouled, I can imagine hearing, "A flagrant foul against World Peace".
4. What if he is an All-Star? "World Peace has been selected as a Western Conference All-Star".
5. How will he sign autographs? This is difficult, because his name has been Ron Artest for so long. He might have a hard time transitioning into his new identity...perhaps he'll just start signing by drawing a peace sign.
6. Finally, what if a situation resulting in suspension occurs, like a fight? "World Peace has been suspended". Now that's just scary for all of us.
Seriously. This is pure comedy & I cannot wait to see what ensues. There better NOT be a lockout, I want to enjoy every single second w/ the "Athlete Formally Known As Ron Artest". Big Ran & I are definitely co-presidents of the World Peace Fan Club.
We've already discussed Obama's Best Week Ever here on the Takeover, so I wanted to pass this along as a close second. If this dude keeps racking up weeks like this, Mitt, Newt, and that nut job from Minny might as well head out on that dusty trail.
This has nothing to do with troop withdrawal and everything to do with capturing Whitey Bulger and getting my new passport processed and sent back to me in five days. If you don't think Obama had a bullet proof vest and a SWAT jacket on when they stormed Whitey's love nest, you're out of your mind. Also, if you don't think he was trimming my passport photo and sewing extra pages into it, I don't know what to tell you other than go move to Russia you God damned commie. You hate freedom and firefighters.
You all know this chick, she's the T-Mobile commercial chick. I did, literally the minimum amount of research possible and found out her name is Carly Foulkes, hails from Toronto, and has done predominantly modeling throughout her career. All of her photos are model type shots, so there may be a heavy-handed air brush artist involved. Who knows.
When I first saw the T-Mobil commercials, I was intrigued, but I think that was more a case of the sun dress phenomena* rather than finding her amazingly attractive. Lots of artsy / JCrew bathing suit type photos:
From the commercials:
So, is she good looking? Sure, absolutely, but I wish she would have a hamburger and a protein shake and quit eating dinner with Reggie Miller.
So its been about six years since Dave Chappelle stopped filming The Chappelle Show, probably my favorite show of all time, and it looks as though he has pretty much been lifting weights since he got back from his South African odyssey. Scrawny Dave was funny, one of, if not the best comedians out there, but can he be as funny if he's jacked? I'm not sure. I just don't know if Dave pulls off a jacked Tyrone Biggums
I just had a presentation to make at work and we probably had about 40 people in the room. Sitting dead center was this guy that was a dead ringer for Kevin Spacey and it was totally distracting. At first I was like, "Wow, that dude looks like Kevin Spacey." By the end of the presentation, I had convinced myself that it was Kevin SPacey and was really trying hard to be an impressive speaker. During Q&A, bizarro Kevin asked a question and while the tone of his voice was very similar, he clearly hailed from a Western European country (but Kevin Spacey IS AN ACTOR, HE COULD TOTALLY PULL THAT OFF!!!!).
It ends up it wasn't him, but I was talking to him after everything was done and it could have been a brother or a cousin and it totally threw me off.
Rolling Stone - It took Perry a while to learn to embrace her body. "I started praying for [breasts] when I was, like, 11," she says. "And God answered that prayer above and beyond, by, like, 100 times, until I was like, 'Please, stop, God. I can't see my feet anymore. Please stop!' I was a lot more rectangular then. I didn't understand my body. Someone in sixth grade called me 'Over-the-shoulder boulder holder.' I didn't know I could use them. So, what I did was, I started taping them down. How long did I tape them down for? Probably until I was about 19. And, no, I don't have any psychological pain because of it."
I'm not trying to get religious on The Takeover, but just in case anyone was on the fence about a higher power, maybe this pushes you over the edge. Not sure. Maybe it was just the power of positive thinking. Whatever it is, they are real and they're SPECTACULAR!
Hell yeah, Tim Thomas. A congrats to Luongo was not only classy, but probably pissed Roberto off and caused more riots in Vancouver. Also, the fact that he is still rocking the 70s stache because his daughter likes it is fantastic. When you're that good, you can crush a stache and not have to explain it to anybody.
Did everyone know that "Vezina" is German for whale's vagina? Stay classy, Tim Thomas, stay classy.
SANTA MONICA, Calif. (CBS/AP) — Boston mob boss James “Whitey” Bulger was captured near Los Angeles after spending the last 16 years on the run during an epic manhunt that served as a major embarrassment to the FBI and made the fugitive a global sensation as he constantly found a way to elude authorities.
The FBI finally caught the 81-year-old Bulger Wednesday at a residence in Santa Monica along with his longtime girlfriend Catherine Greig just days after the government launched a new publicity campaign to locate the fugitive mobster, said Steven Martinez, FBI’s assistant director in charge in Los Angeles.
The arrest was based on a tip from the campaign, he said.
However, television ads from the campaign did not run in the Los Angeles area, but they were seen in San Diego and San Francisco.
The FBI had been conducting a surveillance operation in the area where the arrest was made, said police Sgt. Rudy Flores, who gave no details of the arrest.
So, after 16 years, Whitey Bulger has finally been brought to justice along with his ride-or-die bitch, Catherine Greig. I've lived in MA most of my life, and I feel as though Whitey has become this sympathetic hero over his time on the run. It seems as though people started to believe the tails that he was the Robin Hood of Southie. This dude killed at least 19 people, was responsible for all the drugs in Southie and diddled little girls, and other mobsters hated him because he ratted them out to the feds. Have fun in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison.
I remember seeing "Big Daddy" and thinking this line was funny, now it's just the truth. Dudes, I hit 30 and I think the warranty expired on my body. My back got f'd up, and if I have a weekend of drinking/eating, I can literally feel my love handles and man boobs growing. Honestly, yesterday my shirts were tight. Pants I get, but shirts? Really?
Also, on that note, why is every shirt sold now "slim fit?" When I was 26 I could rock the slim fit, but its not doing me any favors anymore. Have clothing companies seen Americans? We're not slim fit, we need doughy fit. Loose fabric is our friend. So, please, can't they make the early thirties slightly out of shape fit? That would be awesome. I would buy that.
Step aside Angela Bower! Danny Pintauro is here to party with you like its 2011 and show you that Tupperware is still here, still sexy, innnovative, and not just in your grandmother's kitchen! Get ready America! Its time to treat yourself to plastic crap that will make your life easier and more colorful!
I am suddenly re-energized by Tupperware. It's SEXY AND INNOVATIVE!
Here's some classic TV right here. Joshua decides to get into gymnastics...
-Big Ran
PS: Tony was out as sh!t when he was sliding into home in the intro.
BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (WCCO) –A 46-year-old woman pleaded guilty Monday to hiding a stolen mink coat in her underwear.
Stephanie Moreland was arrested New Year’s Eve by Bloomington Police after the Alaskan Fur Company reported a short mink coat was stolen by a woman who had been in the store and acting suspiciously.
Moreland pleaded guilty to one count of felony theft of property. Police say she hid the mink coat in her underwear for three days while being questioned by police in jail.
The coat was valued at $6,500.
According to police, a sales associate accused Moreland of taking the coat, but she denied it and took off. The sales associate took down Moreland’s license plate number and called police. When police located the car a short time later, they found the coat’s hanger but no coat.
They searched Moreland for weapons and booked her into jail for the weekend on possible theft charges. Three days later, a detective interviewed Moreland who admitted she stole the coat but claimed she had already sold it.
When the investigator informed Moreland he would be sending her to the Hennepin County Jail downtown, he was shocked when she lifted up her dress and pulled out the mink coat from her underwear.
“She had modified her underwear. She actually cut the rear of the underwear out so that from the back it appeared she was not wearing underwear and then stuffed it down the front,” said Bloomington Police Commander Mark Stehlik, at the time of the incident.
First of all, by now, you know that whenever I get the chance for a random Chappelle Show clip/reference, I'm going to put it in there. Second of all, this is one of many reasons why I could never be a cop. I mean, if you go into this interrogation room, you know and she knows that there's a fur coat in her underwear. However, I'll be damned if I'm fishing around in her drawers for $6,500 is straight cash, never mind a mink.
-Big Ran
PS: Anyone heard about Chappelle bringing a show to web tv? He denies it, but I would pay to have that back on; one iof the best shows of all time.
I'm honestly so pumped for all the true Bruins fans out there. I'm not one, but can absolutely understand how they feel. I remember how it felt when the Sox won in '04, making all the crap that fans had put up with for so long a distant memory. Thankfully, for me, it didn't have to go seven games, but it didn't really matter. I watched the game with my Dad and even though they were up 3-0 in the ninth, he started to lose it when the Cardinals got one guy on in the ninth. He didn't want any craziness, just an end to the game and an end to the "1918" chants. A majority of Bruins fans either weren't alive the last time the Bruins won the cup, were very young, or lived through it and deserve another chance to see it and live through the excitement.
So, for all the true Bruins fans out there, enjoy it, embrace it, and I really hope they bring the cup back to Boston for you.
Die Zeit der individuell begabten, aber schwer sozialisierbaren Ghetto-Basketballer ist vorbei. Am Ende dieser Ära hat Dirk Nowitzki einen nicht unerheblichen Anteil.
Nowitzki defeated the Ghetto Basketball
The era of individually talented but difficult sozialisierbaren ghetto basketball is over.At the end of this era Dirk Nowitzki has a significant share.
Well, they may want to rethink most of the article. If your country was most well known for its ethnic cleansing, wouldn't you go out of your way to avoid comments like this? Like, totally overcompensate. I mean I think LeBron is a stooge, but this may be a bit excessive (read: super terrificly racist).
"Dirk Nowitzki and the Dallas Mavericks will be included in an illustrious list of winners and NBA most valuable player "of the Final Series (Most Valuable Player) of the past 25 years.He is the first white MVP since Larry Bird."
"That street ball, threaten Rap and ghetto chic and the commercial success of the sport, has recognized the league itself years ago.At that time the players were still dressed with gold chains and hung in the gangsta look: baseball caps, schlabberige pants, long T-shirts and sneakers were open standard.
The wide - white in the majority - aware American public takes this shoddy outfit but with street gangs and the mainly black rappers scene here.The organization wants the NBA, the basketball bothered as a family sports marketing for all.Therefore, a dress code was enforced.The players must now appear in a suit and tie the game."
From the tats, to the multiple times he has called out Bron Bron, you've got to love DeShawn Stevenson. Well, since the Mavs won the NBA Championship, DeShawn has clearly been having a good time. Well, he was having a good time until about 10:30 PM last night when he was arrested for public intoxication. The police received a call that there was a drunk man walking around, and later found Stevenson who ALLEGEDLY didn't really know where he was. If being a millionaire and winning a championship is good for only one thing, it should be the chance to get off of being arrested for public intoxication. He wasn't driving, didn't seem to be bothering anyone, couldn't the PoPo just have taken him home and told him to sleep it off?
I don't care, I'll roll with this dude any day. FREE DESHAWN STEVENSON! FREE DESHAWN STEVENSON!